Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Christmas Decorating Ideas 2013

The Christmas season is always a festive one and there are many ways to decorate a home and fill it with Christmas sparkle and fizzle.

One rather inexpensive way to decorate for Christmas is to use bows. Ribbons can be tied on the backs of chairs, drapery tie backs, door knobs and stair railings, to name a few. The ribbons can be in colors of red and green or even metallic gold and silver for variety. Make sure that they provide the right accent for your decor and tie in with the rest of the decorating theme in your house.

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Put Christmas decor throughout the house with shiny ornaments in a clear glass bowl or place these same ornaments around indoor plants and trees. Artificial snow can be sprinkled across the buffet or tabletops or even on house plants to add that cozy "White Christmas" feeling to your home.

One essential decorating item for Christmas is the holiday wreath. Start with the front door and then add wreaths or swags to other doors in the house. They can also add cheer to the front windows of the home for all in the neighborhood to enjoy. They should preferably be made of real pine or holly and decorated with berries, pine cones, raffia, ornaments or other types of holiday decorations.

LED lights can also be used around doorways and window frames to continue that Christmas tree feeling throughout the home. LED lights, perhaps more expensive, typically last longer than regular Christmas lights and are more energy efficient.

And Christmas would not be Christmas without the traditional Christmas tree. There are many options for Christmas tree such purchasing ones that are pre-cut or going to a tree farm and cutting one down yourself. With trees that have been pre-cut, one needs to check for freshness and look for needles that are shiny and green and not dry or brown and not fall off when a branch is pulled on. Going to a tree farm to cut down a tree can be an experience in itself and ensure that the tree you pick is at its freshest.

Once your tree is home, cut a small amount off the bottom so it can begin to soak up water and then bring it into your home and cut more off the bottom, if necessary, to get it to the right height. Having a tree stand for the tree is important as it secures the tree and ensures that it will stand straight in its location. Once you have the tree secured in the base, a decorative tree skirt can add to the merriness of the tree.

A Christmas tree would not be Christmas tree without the lights, garland and ornaments. A tree should be decorated by starting with the lights, then adding the garland and ending with the ornaments. To make the tree look fuller, place ornaments on the inside of the tree as well as on the tips of the branches.

To decorate for Christmas without making it a burden, one can use Christmas coupons and find many good deals on holiday decor.

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