Wednesday, December 11, 2013

5 Christmas Party Ideas You Haven’t Thought of Yet

With Christmas just around the corner, we’re all suddenly scrambling to get everything in order. There are cookies to bake, Christmas presents to buy and extravagant seasonal dinners to plan. As fun as the annual Christmas party is, it can start to get a little monotonous after you’ve hosted it for ten years running.

Freshen up this year’s festivities with these 5 Christmas party ideas you haven’t thought of yet !

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1) Dress the Dining Table

So much of a good Christmas is spent sharing stories and breaking bread at the dining table. Give your dining room an extra festive feel by dressing up your table for the holidays in bursts of red and green. Start by adorning the table with a crisp white tablecloth, then add the amazing Gerson Lighted Christmas Pine Tree Sleigh centrepiece from Kohl’ to the mix to bring added warmth and colour to the setting.

These classic Christmas party ideas set the scene for a more unusual idea that will thoroughly impress and intrigue all your guests: stocking cutlery holders. That’s right, you can keep your cutlery neat and tidy by tucking each set away in a cute crimson mini Christmas stocking from Amazon!

Get your table dressings cheaply by using an Amazon Discount Code and utilising Kohls Coupons.

2) Explore Christmas Traditions Around the World

If you’re looking for Christmas party themes for children, why not opt for Christmas party ideas that are as educational as they are fun? Encourage your children and their guests to explore Christmas traditions from around the world.In Germany, children put their boots out on December 5th for Saint Nicolas (known as Sankt Nikolaus) to fill. If they’ve been good, they receive candy. If they’ve been bad, they will receive a stick.

Get the children to take off their shoes as they arrive at your Christmas party, then amaze them by quietly filling the shoes with candy before the evening is through.To make the experience that bit more authentic, substitute hard to find traditional clog-like boots with a pair of Croc’s Kids Cheerful Christy clogs from Use Coupon Codes for a great deal.

3)Think Outside the Box

For party ideas that’ll really leave an impression on your guests, it’s important that your Christmas Party themes are a little left of center. In addition to (or instead of) a normal pine tree, why not rig up a rustic driftwood tree? This intriguing take on the traditional Christmas tree is easy to assemble and very thrifty for those who have ready access to kindling. Once you’ve fixed the branches to the wall, jazz it up with some gorgeous Christmas decorations and warm LED lights for a cosy glow. Get your Christmas lights from and save using a Target Promo Code.

4) Dress Playfully

Christmas party ideas should, above all, be fun. This Christmas, ditch your gorgeous but chilly little black dress for a decidedly cosier festive sweater. Then, throw an Ugly Christmas Sweater competition, a la Bridget Jones & Mark Darcy. Not only will it ensure that you’re not the only one dressed down, but it’ll also provide a fun talking point for any guests not yet acquainted. Award the standout participants one of these “most creative”, “funniest” or “ugliest sweater” badges to add some fun and a sense of competition to the day.

You can pick up the badges on eBay using an eBay Coupon code. If you’re still looking for an ugly sweater, try this very busy Christmas scene Volcom Sweater from Macys and save using a Macy’s coupon.

5) Cater Creatively

There are some Christmas party ideas that are super simple and so cute that you’ll wonder why you’ve never attempted them before. If you’re still looking for some party ideas to spice up your Christmas catering, look no further than strawberries and cream cheese Santas.

Just cut the tops off your large strawberries for hats, then hollow out the remainder with a paring knife. For the filling, combine cream cheese, powdered sugar and a hint of vanilla extract. Pipe it into the hollow you’ve created, before putting the hat back on and adding sesame seed eyes.Voila – delicious and oh-so simple strawberries and cream cheese Santas.

For an unforgettable Christmas party, just keep these 5 unusual Christmas ideas in mind. Creativity and enthusiasm is key !

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