Monday, October 13, 2014

Halloween Around the World: A Glimpse on Different Celebrations

Halloween is said as one of the oldest event around the world. Commonly commemorated on October 31, today it is discerned in some nations, but it is in North America and Canada that it sustains its largest grade of popularity. Now let's take a glimpse on distinct nations and take a look on how they remember the infamous holiday.

Related post:  10 Funny Halloween Costume Ideas for Couples

Halloween Around the World: A Glimpse on Different Celebrations

In Austria, some people will leave bread, water and a lighted lamp on the table before retiring on Halloween night. The reason for this is because it was once believed such items would welcome the dead souls back to earth on a night which for the Austrians was considered to be brimming with strong cosmic energies. The Belgians believe that it is unlucky for a black cat to cross one's path and also unlucky if it should enter a home or travel on a ship. The custom in Belgium on Halloween night is to light candles in memory of dead relatives.

In China, the Halloween festival is known as Teng Chieh. Food and water are placed in front of photographs of family members who have departed while bonfires and lanterns are lit in order to light the paths of the spirits as they travel the earth on Haloween night. In Czechoslovakia, chairs are placed by the fireside on Halloween night. There is one chair for each living family member and one for each family member's spirit. At one time, English children made "punkies" out of large beetroots, upon which they carved a design of their choice.

Then, they would carry their "punkies" through the streets while singing the "Punkie Night Song" as they knocked on doors and asked for money. In Germany, the people put away their knives on Halloween night. The reason for this is because they do not want to risk harm befalling the returning spirits. In Ireland, the tradition is still celebrated as much as it is in the United States. The Japanese celebrate the "Obon Festival" (also known as "Matsuri" or "Urabon") which is similar to Halloween festivities in that it is dedicated to the spirits of ancestors. In Korea, the festival similar to Halloween is known as "Chusok."

It is at this time that families thank their ancestors for the fruits of their labor. The family pays respect to these ancestors by visiting their tombs and making offerings of rice and fruits. The "Chusok" festival takes place in the month of August. Among Spanish-speaking nations, Halloween is known as "El Dia de los Muertos." It is a joyous and happy holiday, a time to remember friends and family who have died. In Sweden, Halloween is known as "Alla Helgons Dag" and is celebrated from October 31 until November 6.

I know it's fairly a lot but these are numerous ways other places celebrate Halloween. So If your youngsters think that Halloween is strictly carving pumpkins and balancing for apples, tell them that there's much more to it. A global commemoration, Halloween and its variations are full of history and tradition.

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Easy Outdoor Decorating For Halloween 2014

Are you ready to scare the dickens out of the neighborhood kids? While doing Halloween decorations for the outside of the house try to keep in mind that the shabbier or shaggier something looks, the better it is. This is Halloween and things should look old and scary.

Easy Outdoor Decorating For Halloween 2014
Easy Outdoor Decorating For Halloween - Get Wholesale Halloween Costumes Coupons 2014
I always like the look of the ghosts dangling from my trees and eaves. However, I lived in Illinois where it was wet most of the time and my sheet ghost always looked deflated from being wet. I got this idea several years ago to make them from white plastic garbage bags. They held their shape and took a beating in the rain and came out looking fine.

We would take a lawn chair and place it in the front of the house close to the door. Then we gathered clothes (old ones) and pinned the shirt to the pants and stuffed it with straw or news papers. We put gloves on for hands old boots for feet, and a piece of cloth stuffed with straw for a head. Place a scary mask on it with a hat and put a broom or rake in its hand with rubber bands. Now place it in the chair and you have a scary guard at your front door. You might want to drape him with some spider webs.

Spread some cob webs across the front lawn and around the door. Buy a large spider and place it high above the door to make it look like it will drop on some ones head.

Scary music being played out a window nearby really gives it an eerie effect.

Place silhouettes in the windows with black plastic cling wrap, like they used to black out car windows, of a person hanging in an upstairs room.

Make a cemetery out of your front yard with painted tombstones made out of Styrofoam. Place some larger ghosts around the stones.

Be sure to have fun. All these ideas are inexpensive and easy to do. You can also always go out and buy many things for decorating your yard. Oh yeah and don't forget to put up some lights, orange or green in color so it will appear darker without being too hard to see up the walk. And be sure to have plenty of smelling salts on hand for the weak at heart.

You will be a spooktacular hit in your neighborhood and at your party.

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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

How to have Haloween Safety Tips

Ghost, ghouls and monsters aren't the only things to be afraid of on Halloween. Accidents and mishaps increase dramatically when children trick-or-treat.To avoid the many dangers children face while trick or treating, use common sense. Be aware of potential Halloween hazards and take precautions to eliminate them. Consider heading for an indoor Halloween party and bypass any chaos or danger.

Haloween Safety Tips
How to have Haloween Safety Tips - Halloween Custume Coupons
Halloween Costume Safety

Wear flame retardant costumes.
Make sure your Halloween costume is colorfast so the color doesn't run onto your other clothes if it rains.
Try on costumes before Halloween to allow time for altering.
Hem your costumes so you don't trip and fall.
Apply reflective tape to your Halloween costumes.
Avoid cumbersome masks. Use make-up instead.
Use only hypoallergenic and non-toxic makeup.
Wear comfortable, practical shoes.
Double tie your shoelaces so you don't trip.
Keep your costume and wig away from candles.
Don't carry fake swords, guns, knives or similar accessories that look authentic. Make sure they're flexible and cannot harm anyone.

Trick-or-Treating Tips

Plan your route ahead of time.
Trick or treat in familiar neighborhoods.
Carry a flashlight with fresh batteries after dark.
Take along money for a phone call.
Wear identification that's easy to read.
Always trick or treat in groups, accompanied by an adult.
Follow a curfew and take a watch with a backlight.
Stay on the sidewalks and out of the streets. Cross only at intersections and designated crosswalks.
Walk. No running.
Don't trample through flower beds and gardens.
Watch out for open flames in jack-o-Lanterns.
Walk with your head up and be aware of your surroundings.
Only visit well lit houses. Don't stop at dark houses.
Don't enter any houses unless you know the people.
Carry a spare Halloween bag, in case yours breaks or you fill your original one.
Don't approach unfamiliar pets and animals.
Don't cut across yards and stay out of backyards.
Follow traffic signals and don't jaywalk.
Always watch for cars backing up or turning.
Review the "stop, drop and roll" procedure in case your costume catches on fire.
Never accept rides from strangers.
Respect other people and their property.
Be polite and say "thank you."
Don't eat any candy until it's inspected for tampering under bright lights.
Avoid candy that has loose wrappings, is unwrapped, has puncture holes, or is homemade.
Small children should not be allowed hard candy they may choke on.
Report any suspicious or criminal activity to an adult or the police.
Consider having a party instead of Trick or Treating.

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